Methaka, Emang (1936 recording)

(Friends, Stand Up)


Catalogue No
JPM 007
choir SAATB (sung TTTBB)
Joshua Pulumo Mohapeloa Critical Edition

This 5-part song published by Mohapeloa in 1935 was recorded as Methaka by the Morija Training College male voice Choir conducted by Bennie Mashologu in December 1937. Sung TTTBB there but written for SAATB as Methaka, Emang, it tells of a commonplace event in Lesotho: farewells between young people who are going off to seek work and friends who are left behind. This historic recording was reissued by ACE in 2014 as Track 1 on the CD African Choral Legacy: Historic Recordings of Joshua Pulumo Mohapeloa.