hymn (no. 4 of four piano pieces)

The hymn work ends the set of four piano pieces with which Reddy was occupied between c1978 and August 1984. There are two versions of the manuscript, a 4-page rough autograph score and a fair copy minus page 1 that had obviously once been pasted into a performance book with adhesive tape. The autograph has some pedal marks whereas the much more legible fair copy doesn’t, and so the decision was made to include both here, first the autograph and then pages 2-4 of the fair copy. (NB: the two versions do not have the same number of bars on each page.) The work is a study in 19th-century piano writing à la Liszt, and is dedicated to Collin Sabapathy, an artist and colleague of Reddy’s in the Fine Art Department at Durban-Westville University, South Africa, during the early 1980s. The performance by Reddy shown below was recorded at the University of Zululand in 1982.