fugue in c major

Only two pages exist inside the paper folder that Reddy in later life labelled fugue in c major for piano. He was in the habit of writing his early manuscript works as sketches, first drafts, and then fair copies in neat handwriting. The first page of fugue in c major is written in blue ink, which he often reserved for fair copies but page 2 is in black ink, which he often used for drafts. This page is however very neat, except for one correction. Although there is no double bar-line after the last bar, the final three quavers are clearly a cadence in C major, which is presumably the end of the work. Neither the manuscript nor the folder is dated, but from the kind of paper used, the handwriting, and the focus on contrapuntal writing in 18th-century style not to mention the atonal harmonies on p.2, it belongs with a group of other works that Reddy composed around 1979 when he was a student at the Royal College of Music, London.