strange world

This may be the first piece that Surendran Reddy wrote for his jazz ensemble Channel 18 written in 1989. He went on to write many more pieces for this Johannesburg-based ensemble in the 1990s. The group comprised Reddy on keyboard(s), Denny Lalouette on bass, Rob Watson on drums, and Bruce Cassidy on EVI (electronic valve instrument). Several of the handwritten facsimile sources for strange world are lead sheets for EVI with chord symbols, sometimes also with bass part and keyboard part or ‘work copy’ (the keyboard part), although here the latter seems to be only 2 pages rather than 3 as the others are, and so it may not be complete. The neatly written EVI score (in D) is followed in this publication of the work by ACE by the slightly rougher ‘work copy’ and bass part (in C).