
Mohapeloa wrote ‘Senkepeng’ in the 1930s, publishing it in Morija in 1939 as the 30th of 32 songs in Meloli le Lithallere tsa Afrika ka J.P. Mohapeloa: Buka ea Bobeli (African Songs and Extemporary Harmonizations by J.P. Mohapeloa: Book II). He must have had a relation called Senkepeng, because reference is made in the song to the BaTaung clan, to which Mohapeloa belonged. Singing – whether folksongs or hymns or other kinds of music, whether accompanied or unaccompanied – remains the most common musical practice in Lesotho. Mohapeloa’s father organised school choir competitions, his family sang hymns in the evenings, and Mohapeloa knew many folksongs by heart (Mohapeloa and Phakisi Likheleke tsa Pina Sesothong 2009). His wife, Mai Stimmiri, was known for her fine Alto voice. This could be why the Altos divide towards the end of the song, creating a richer texture. For the most part, the voice registers lie quite low, but there is one sudden ‘high’ note at the end.