prelude for mareen

The three-page prelude for mareen (2007) may have started life as a student piece written by Mareen or as a piece written by Reddy to illustrate something for Mareen Bauer. She was one of Surendran’s first students in Germany, who remained with him for many years as both a piano and a composition student.
Using the arpeggiated style of Baroque keyboard writing it has something reminiscent of Reddy’s early keyboard suites, although the time-signature is 5/4, and the piece has shifting key signatures. The metronome marking is very fast, but otherwise this simple, lyrical piece bucks the trend of Reddy’s later piano works to be longer and ever more virtuoso. There are only two pedal marks, which might suggest that performers are not expected to pedal throughout. The image on the right is the front page of the score, and the audio file below has been exported from the Sibelius file.
prelude for mareen
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