never give up on love (a tribute to barry white) (arr.)

This arrangement of a tune by Barry White might have originated while Surendran Reddy was playing with his band Channel 18 in Johannesburg in the early 1990s, but there are no surviving sketches or lead sheets for the piece dating from that time, whereas copies of all his other Channel 18 music have survived. Another possibilty is that it dates from the mid-1990s after Reddy had moved to Germany. The words ‘strings arr. surendran reddy played by chris herzberger’ appear on the top right-hand corner of the only surviving version of the score, and Chris Herzberger was a violinist in Konstanz, where Reddy lived.
In 2005, Reddy typeset the work in Sibelius, creating two scores: one a short score for piano and voice, the other including the string parts as well as voice and keyboard. It is this more fully written out arrangement that constitutes the present ACE score, and it is obvious that he imagined the string sounds as synthesised.
ACE has reproduced the score exactly as Reddy wrote it, except that the pages have been formatted and the 22 empty bars at the end reduced to one. Clearly, he meant the piece to continue, perhaps with improvised passages.