Kopano Ke Matla

Mohapeloa completed ‘Kopano Ke Matla’ in 1974, publishing it in Cape Town in 1976 as song No. 8 of 25 in Meluluetsa ea Ntšetso-pele le Bosechaba Lesotho (Anthems for the Development of the Lesotho Nation). Mohapeloa holds up for praise the industry and unitedness of his people, the Basotho, in this song, which indeed typifies the aim of the whole collection, Meluluetsa. Ever aware of the divisiveness Lesotho experienced after its independence in 1966, he exhorts his compatriots to work together more strongly, and particularly to support some of the new initiatives, societies and institutions that the country was trying to establish during this period of its history. The United Nations played an important role in Lesotho at this time, so the theme of ‘unity’ had even more reason to be foregrounded. Throughout this collection, and indeed in the 1940s to 60s as well, Mohapeloa refers to the need to shake off western influence, be it cultural, political, or economic. To do that in addition to developing itself, the new nation had to be of one mind.