ubunene ngamandla

This is an original solo piano piece inspired by the Zulu phrase that means ‘gentleness is strength’. In his liner notes to the CD Rough ‘n Reddy (The Ill-tempered Keyboard, Part II), on which ubunene ngamandla is track 3, Reddy writes that the title, which refers to the end of apartheid in South Africa, is ‘a seemingly paradoxical yet simple and meaningful concept which I think more of us would do well to remember. The fight should be over now and we should be able to enjoy some peace and content after the long days of struggle, but sadly this is not so’.
There is no notated score, because Reddy recorded the music directly in the studio of JNS Musiek in Johannesburg, but the track and the CD liner notes can be downloaded free at checkout. The other six tracks on this CD are get up and go! the gravy train, namibia, vrede vanaand, sweet suite, and lîla’s song for winnie-the-pooh.